Vince Gotera is a Professor of English at the University of Northern Iowa, in the USA, where he served as Editor of the North American Review (2000-2016). Since 2017 he has been Editor-in-Chief at Star*Line, the print journal of the international Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association. Gotera’s poetry collections include Dragonfly, Ghost Wars, Fighting Kite, The Coolest Month, and the upcoming Pacific Crossing. Recent poems appeared in the journals Abyss & Apex, Altered Reality Magazine, Crab Orchard Review, Dreams & Nightmares, Ekphrastic Review, Philippines Graphic (Philippines), Rosebud, Silver Blade, Stone Canoe, and the anthologies Multiverse (UK) and Hay(na)ku 15. Gotera blogs at The Man with the Blue Guitar:


Vince is a contributing author to the House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Literature, Volume 1 with the poem “Astro-Archeologist’s Log.”