Raymond van Over is the award-winning author and editor of over thirty books, most with mainstream publishers (Harper & Row, Penguin, Macmillan, New American Library, etc.). The World Catalogue lists 30 works in 107 publications. His books range from fiction (folk tales, true crime, horror, and short stories for young adults) to psychology (The Psychology of Freedom, Fawcett) and scholarly studies of myths (Sun Songs, Creation Myths from Around the World, NAL, Mentor Classics). His writing credits include screenwriting–both feature films and documentaries (including the Academy Award-nominated, “A Portrait of Giselle” and “I Live for Art, Tosca”” for ABC-TV/Wishupon Productions, narrated by Robert Merrill and directed by Muriel Balash). For years he was a script-doctor and story analyst for independent and major film studios (Universal, Fox, and Columbia Pictures). His play, “Bruno,” won the Kaplan 2017 New Play Competition. He also received the 2008 DC Arts and Humanities Award.
Raymond is a contributing author to the House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Literature, Volume 3 with the short story “Memories.”