Mike Adamson holds a Doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike secured qualifications in both marine biology and archaeology. Mike was a university educator from 2006 to 2018, has worked in the replication of convincing ancient fossils, is a passionate photographer, master-level hobbyist, and journalist for international magazines. Short fiction sales include to Metastellar, Strand Magazine, Little Blue Marble, Abyss and Apex, Daily Science Fiction, Compelling Science Fiction and Nature Futures. Mike has placed stories on well over 220 occasions to date, totalling over 1.1 million words. Mike’s first Sherlock Holmes novel has been released by Belanger Books, and his short fiction has appeared in translation in European magazines. You can find social media links, and catch up with his journey at his blog ‘The View From the Keyboard,’ http://mike-adamson.blogspot.com

Mike Adamson is a contributing author to the House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Literature, Volume 4 with the short story “Walking on Titan.”